Grand Nordic Corner – March 4, 2021

It has been slow coming but we finally have good snow at Nordic areas in the Valley.  The high country has been accumulating snow sporadically which means there are layers – layers that are loosely connected and therefore prone to avalanches.  Unless you are...
Grand Nordic Corner – February 11, 2021

Grand Nordic Corner – February 11, 2021

We did it! Grand Nordic’s 8th Annual was definitely as safe as it could be. Participants were limited to 25 spread out over a half hour with a max of 75 each day. Sending those people out into the wind and driving snow on Saturday seemed almost cruel but those people...
Grand Nordic Corner – January 28

Grand Nordic Corner – January 28

It’s time for the kids to show off.  Every year the Middle Park High School hosts other schools from around Colorado for races at Snow Mountain Ranch.  Since Grand county has remained in Orange zone most of the month of January, the kids are able to keep their...
Grand Nordic Corner – January 28

Grand Nordic Corner – January 15, 2021

Grand County residents managed to avoid gatherings, wear masks, stay apart and reduce the COVID numbers over the holidays, they kept family and visitors under control and the numbers of infected people went down!  Our people either just stayed home or headed to the...
Grand Nordic Corner – December 30

Grand Nordic Corner – December 30

The snow is finally hiding most of the rocks and dirt.  I got out my everyday skis last week and set my rock skis aside.  After my back fusion surgery in early September, I have now been  able to classic ski for a couple of weeks and it feels great!  It is such a joy...