Grand Nordic Corner – December 30

Grand Nordic Corner – December 30

The snow is finally hiding most of the rocks and dirt.  I got out my everyday skis last week and set my rock skis aside.  After my back fusion surgery in early September, I have now been  able to classic ski for a couple of weeks and it feels great!  It is such a joy...
Grand Nordic Corner – December 11

Grand Nordic Corner – December 11

“What a tough time this is for all of us.  Seems COVID is hitting closer and closer to home.  As a club, Grand Nordic was planning to hold our free lesson program [this year offered to members only] on December 13. We had approval from Snow Mountain Ranch, we had a...
Grand Nordic Corner – December 4, 2020

Grand Nordic Corner – December 4, 2020

The snow has started but is definitely off to a slow start this year.  The temperatures have also been so mild that many of the forest bugs that get killed off each winter will survive for another season.  All of Nature weaves together and when one part is lacking,...
Grand Nordic Corner – November 26, 2020

Grand Nordic Corner – November 26, 2020

Nature finally comes to the rescue for Thanksgiving!  Or at least somewhat… Snow varied in East Grand from 4-7 inches and more in some places. It is enough to slide on, I just hope you have your rock skies ready to go. Rock skis are specifically for conditions when...
Grand Nordic Corner – November 4, 2020

Grand Nordic Corner – November 4, 2020

Despite these current spring temperatures, more snow will be hitting us sooner than later.  All Nordic areas will be operating a bit differently in response to both State and County levels of Covid19.  Since our Annual Nordic Ski Swap was cancelled, please check out...