Jan 11, 2024 | Nordic News
It was cloudy with no wind but cold – perfect conditions for a Nordic race! The Snow Mtn Ranch groomers, Shawn and David, had transformed the little snow available into a magical course that was solid, smooth for skating, well-laid out and well-signed. The...
Dec 19, 2023 | BC XC Report
NSCD needs to fill 150+ special event volunteer spots for the Wells Fargo Ski Cup Weekend (February 22-24, 2024)! This year marks the 48th Annual Wells Fargo Ski Cup hosted at the base of Winter Park Resort. The Wells Fargo Ski Cup boasts the longest-running...
Dec 7, 2023 | Nordic News
The storm last week really packed a good wallop for our part of the high country. The snow was pushed around by high winds but it was pretty wet and packed well. We used to call that Snowman snow because the balls we rolled for the snowman stuck together so well....
Dec 1, 2023 | Nordic News
The weatherman says mountain snow this weekend… are you ready? If you know where to go, there are patches of snow to ski on using your rock skis. The Nordic Centers at both Snow Mountain Ranch and Devils Thumb Ranch are currently open to help you...
Nov 3, 2023 | Nordic News
In-between seasons, the waiting is so hard… We know the snow is coming but when will it be enough to actually start skiing? If you were ready, last weekend’s snowstorm was enough if you have “rock” skis and knew where all your gear is. But if you weren’t...