Success with Nordic Ski Swap

Success with Nordic Ski Swap

The Grand Nordic Swap and Expo on the 21 October at Snow Mtn Ranch was a huge success!  People saw the new Campers Hub building for the first time – it is a wonderful asset to the YMCA.  All gently used and donated gear was marked for $5-10-15 or seller...
Nordic Ski Swap on Saturday

Nordic Ski Swap on Saturday

It’s that time of year again and, right on schedule, snow has already landed in the Valley making us diehards start dreaming.  Sadly, it has been melting quickly here in the lower areas but the hardcore might soon find enough of the white stuff in high country to...
FREE Leave No Trace Course

FREE Leave No Trace Course

Did you know that a person trained in Leave No Trace is five times more likely to protect nature and go on to educate around 256 others in their lifetime? Leave No Trace has launched an all-new, FREE 45-minute online training course that covers all your Leave No Trace...
Biathlon Volunteer & Training Opportunities

Biathlon Volunteer & Training Opportunities

If you’re game to help with the organization of the Colorado Biathlon Club 2023-2024 events as a race volunteer, and would like more guidance on the process and duties, this message is for you. The goal is to continue building the pool of people comfortable with any...
Biathlon Volunteer & Training Opportunities

Biathlon Practice at Boulder Rifle Club

The 50-yard range will be open for biathlon practice from 4:30-6:30 pm on Mondays, starting June 19th. This is separate from the Biathlon Program that meets on Wednesdays and is intended for experienced biathletes looking for range time.  Participants must...