

The Ranch2Ranch XC Ski Trek is this Saturday and Sunday, February 11th and 12th. Cross Country Ski from Snow Mountain Ranch to Granby Ranch via the Fraser to Granby Trail, 12 Km one way or 24 Km both ways. A Fundraiser toward Youth XC Sking in Grand County. Door...
Grand Nordic Corner

Grand Nordic Corner

Grand Lake Skate Races January 29: The light fluff of new snow was piled everywhere at Grand Lake last Sunday since it was almost a white-out the day before.   The flat light made the rolling trails somewhat hard to see but you could tell all the work the...
Grand Nordic Corner

Grand Nordic Corner

Once again, the sun was bright and chilly day was perfect for the Snow Mountain Ranch Annual Classic race last Saturday. The same course was used for the Classic race that was used the week before for the Skate race with loops in the Pole Creek meadow below the Legett...
Grand Nordic Corner

Grand Nordic Corner

The snows have not disappointed and Shawn, the Snow Mtn Ranch groomer, has taken full advantage.  The grooming for the Snow Mountain Ranch Skate Race on Saturday was excellent for over 100 racers in the 15k and 7.5 k and another 50 in the 3k and family tour who...
Race Volunteers Needed

Race Volunteers Needed

Volunteers are needed for the State Middle School and High School Races at Snow Mountain Ranch. Volunteers are needed for the start/finish and course marshalls. The race is this Friday, January 13th and will include all high schools and middle schools from across the...