Christmas in the Fraser Valley

Christmas in the Fraser Valley

We are nigh onto Christmas and it is certain to be a white one here in the Fraser Valley. Snow cover pervades the landscape and grooming on community trails has begun. First passes have been made on the Fraser River trail from Safeway south to Rendezvous, in the old...

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Unstable Snowpack – Use Caution

Unstable Snowpack – Use Caution

As we move into the meat of the Holiday Season, waves of snow are starting to add up to a thicker snowpack. From November 25th to December 2 the Colorado Avalanche Information Center recorded 186 avalanches, by happy chance without any fatal skier-triggered events....

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Variable Snow Conditions Off-Trail

Variable Snow Conditions Off-Trail

November has come and gone, and both of these events were marked with a strong taste of Winter’s power. Technically, October brought the winter chill, but it was so close to the beginning of the 11th month that it seems like a technicality. The pre-Thanksgiving...

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XC Backcountry Report, Early November

XC Backcountry Report, Early November

The storms of October and a deep early chill left their indelible mark on our landscape as fall quickly morphed into winter. The snowy covering over the land has thus far resisted the attempts of the weakening November sun to erase the premature hold on most of our...

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