Word From the Trail – 2019

Word From the Trail – 2019

2018 blew out with fury, and 2019 came in cold and dry as an upslope left its moisture on the East side of the Great Divide, and brought us a wicked easterly blow. The winds on the last day of the year whipped the granular snow up into a ground fog of crystals, too...

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Word From the Trail

Word From the Trail

The Holidays are in full swing, and the trails are in great shape to send 2018 off as a decent start to the ski season. While a couple of wind events sprinkled some evergreen needles and cones over the trails like pine-scented confetti that put a little hesitation...

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Free Skiing Abounds in Grand County

Free Skiing Abounds in Grand County

The Valley floor has enough snow to hamper our trips around town, to shovel out our driveways or to clear off the back deck.  Get off the beaten track however and you or your dog can sink up to your knees. The mountain snows are deep and all around the towns of Winter...

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’twas the week before Christmas

’twas the week before Christmas

The Holidays have snuck up on us like a speeding train and if all things go as planned, our mountain valley is about to be inundated with visitors, hoping to make some memories built up around a white Christmas and with days filled with the joys of winter sport. As...

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Winter is Here for the Fraser Valley

Winter is Here for the Fraser Valley

Winter feels like it is in full swing in the Fraser Valley, as December has brought us temperatures that are reminders to keep a scarf and gloves at hand and regular light dustings of snow that can be brushed easily off the windshield without the scraping of ice. A...

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