Nature keeps teasing us! Two inches one day, three the next, then a sunny or windy day! But it is all starting to pile up. Some areas around Winter Park and Fraser already have skiable trails, just don’t break out your good skis yet! The higher...
Volunteers Needed for Ski for Light
Are you interested in becoming a Guide for the Ski for Light International Event which will be held at Snow Mountain Ranch Jan 29-Feb 5 2023. Ski for Light, Inc. is an all-volunteer, non-profit, organization founded in 1975. The mission of Ski for Light is to teach...
Grand Nordic Corner, Oct 6, 2022
It’s that time of year again and, right on schedule, the snow has started landing on the high peaks! Sadly it as been melting quickly but the hardcore might soon find enough of the white stuff in high country to do a little sliding on their older rock skis. ...
Potential training session(s) for CBC race volunteer roles
Our thriving race scene at Snow Mountain Ranch depends on a pool of willing and able volunteers to actually run the races. The pool has typically been on the shallow side, and if you’ve hesitated to jump in because you’re not sure you have enough biathlon knowledge,...
National Biathlon Team Member visits Snow Mountain Ranch!
The CBC is excited to announce that Chloe Levins, U.S. National Biathlon Team member, will be coming to Snow Mountain Ranch the weekend of August 19-21 for an interactive biathlon clinic as well as individual one on one instruction! Chloe brings a wealth of knowledge...
Now Hiring at Snow Mountain Ranch
Snow Mountain Ranch is hiring Nordic staff positions! Search job openings and apply today. Contact Mary Ann Degginger for more info at [email protected] or (970) 887-2152 x4130. Nordic Staff: Must LOVE the snow! Job duties include: rent and sell ski...
Summer Biathlon Training at Snow Mountain Ranch
The biathlon range at Snow Mountain Ranch is now available for summer training use. As has been the case for the last several years, access to the range is via Just Ranch - the Nordic Center/CCO parking area is off limits. See the maps below for parking and route...
Grand Nordic Corner – April 15, 2022
At the end of a slow-starting season, followed by a quick pounding two weeks of snowpack catchup, the usual up and down on temperatures, and reasonable snow totals, I am tired and ready for a break. I have skied a lot this season trying to catch up after my back...
Boulder Rifle Club Biathlon Program 2022 Invitation
The Boulder Rifle Club Biathlon shooting program is about to begin the 4th year of the program. The goal is to provide interested participants an opportunity to develop and improve their biathlon shooting skills between April and September. While a primary focus...
BC Report – April 2, 2022
I’m beginning to think of wind as a four letter word. The furious winds of this past week have put a sudden end to grooming at Snow Mountain Ranch for this season due to downed trees and forest litter scattered over the trails. Devil’s Thumb is holding out with...