There are a couple of new policies at the Nordic center and CO Biathlon Club also wants to remind everyone of CBC rifle policies.  

First- RIFLES ARE NO LONGER ALLOWED IN THE NORDIC CENTER IN ANY CAPACITY.  There are no exceptions to this rule.  Plan your arrival accordingly and leave your rifle locked in your car when you need to go into the Nordic center.  Additionally, NEVER take an uncased rifle into ANY building on YMCA property, other than our range buildings.  Rifles should be cased at all times unless on the range or skiing on our normal courses for training.  

To make this easier, the Y has 2 workarounds in place to get your ticket without going into the Nordic center.  First, the window option is available to get your trail pass.  You may have to knock to get someone’s attention, but they’re still servicing the window.  

Second (and WAY better) there is now a way to get your trail pass through your phone or computer IF you are a YMCA member.  Scan the QR code and it will take you to a form you can fill in and submit.  Once you submit the completed form, you are good to go!  You can even do this from home before you head to the Y.  You can also save the form as a favorite so you don’t need the QR code to access it.  If you are not already a member of the Y, this is another good reason to join!  The QR code is currently posted at the Nordic center but they are working on posting it elsewhere throughout the property, including the admin building, so if you would like to stop there to use the restrooms on the way in, you can accomplish both things at once.  

LASTLY, note that there is a new law going into effect on January 1 that any long gun stored in an unattended vehicle must have a locking mechanism (chamber lock) on it and the vehicle must be locked.  

Thank you in advance for adhering to the rules.  Always remember that we are guests at the Y and our continued ability to participate in biathlon requires us to be good guests.